Roads & Works Update

Roads & Works Update image
Roads & Works Update image

Here's a rundown of what our Infrastructure Department has been busy with in May 2024:

Roads and Drainage

Gravel Road Pothole Repairs: We've been fixing potholes on several roads to keep them safe and smooth for everyone. These roads include Reedy Lagoon Road, Coast Road, Badger Corner Road, Thule Road, Camerons Inlet Road, Golden Mile Road, Pot Boil Road, Conways Road, Memana Road, Manns Road, Trousers Point Road, Smiths Road, Fairhaven Road, Melrose Road, Wingaroo Road, Lees Road, Summers Road, Dutchmans Road, and Haulands Gap Road.

Maintenance Grading: Killiecrankie and Palana Roads have received some much-needed grading. The recent rains provided the required moisture content to grade and ensure these roads are in good shape for winter.

Bitumen Road Patching and Edging: We've patched and edged sections of Lady Barron Road, Lackrana Road, and Memana Road to maintain their quality.

Drainage: We've improved drainage in Killiecrankie to improve access, further works to the road will follow as and when the program allows.

Vegetation Control: Weed spraying has been carried out to keep our roadsides clear of weed growth, which can destabilize the road pavement and impede maintenance.

Repairs: We've replaced a significant number of road information, safety signs and guideposts as needed around our road network to keep everyone informed and safe.

Capital Works

We’re pleased to have completed the scheduled capital works program for the financial year 2023-24, making improvements to the following roads:

• Trousers Point Road (two areas)

• Big River Road

• Coast Road

• Wallanippi Road

Water: We continue to responded to TasWater callouts for water pipe breakages to access to potable water.

Funerals: Our team also assisted with funeral duties during the month.

Quarries: At the Lughrata Pit, we continued with minor reinstatement works to maintain our quarry resources.

Town Maintenance

Parks and Reserves: We’ve been busy mowing and brush cutting in Whitemark, Lady Barron, and the Whitemark Showgrounds, as well as maintaining our cemeteries. We also removed a tree in Lady Barron and made repairs to the irrigation system in the Rose Garden. Monthly high-pressure cleaning was done at the Whitemark, Emita, and Palana boat ramps to keep them in top condition.

Footpaths: Edging work (removing grass) was carried out on Whitemark footpaths. We have also begun removing and replacing cracked and uneven paving, with a new section completed on Mainwaring Street. Further works are scheduled for Lagoon Road footpaths and driveways in July. We aim for minimal disturbance and disruption to households and businesses and appreciate the cooperation of business owners to enable these much-needed improvements to occur.

Park and Street Furniture: We improved rubbish bins in remote areas with installing new bins with concreted posts and brackets at Whitemark Foreshore, Pallana and Settlement Point boat ramps.

Signage: We performed an audit of signs across our road network and replaced signs for both sealed and unsealed roads and the Whitemark Tip to improve clear directions and safety for all.

Training: Several staff completed online training including the Construction Whitecard.

Here’s what we plan to work on in the coming month:

Roads & Drainage: Finish culvert and drainage work in Killiecrankie, continue similar work in Palana, and begin maintenance grading on Cameran's Inlet Road.

Town Maintenance: We'll be working on Lagoon Road and Whitemark footpaths, repairing the Showgrounds fence, doors, and downpipes, pruning the Rose Garden, and maintaining Emita Hall.

Whitemark Airport: We'll continue sweeping both runways and conducting safety and security inspections to keep everything running smoothly.

Quarries: We’ve stockpiled gravel ready for use in the new financial year.

Plant and Machinery: Staff training for the new chipper is booked to ensure safe and efficient operation.

State Government: We will welcome a Principal Analyst Traffic Engineering from Infrastructure Tasmania, Department of State Growth, to inspect State Growth Roads.

We’re committed to keeping our infrastructure safe, clean, and well-maintained. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Oliver Ward

Works and Services Coordinator

I would like to extend my appreciation to the hardworking crew for their dedication and commitment. Your efforts in maintaining and improving our infrastructure are truly appreciated, and your contributions ensure that our community remains well-maintained.

For any questions or more information, please feel free to contact us.

Oliver Ward
Works and Services Coordinator

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